Sunday, May 31, 2009


um yeah gtfo from here and go here :3 mmkay
that's gonna be my official blog now , this place is no longer use

and hey spambots on Shoutbox, drop dead. ^^

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blog moved

GTFO and see my new blog

I moved because this blog contain errors and it sucked, most of my posts were vanished so I wanna give up on this blog and make a new one...~

Friday, March 13, 2009


I can't believe that my "Sayonara" post was...vanished? WTF? no one will know that I'm away from here..I got hacked or wut ...pff nevermind..I'll just continue blogging from time to time.. =A= .....

anyway some random video that makes me wanna burst into tears...of awesomeness..xD

Womanizer by All American Rejects version ......[ROFLOLWTF]

awh man I love you A.A.R .. >3> you guys sure pwn Britt awesomely... xD...
so happy together.. lawl...from Simple plan...hahar...priceless |3

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tag, ya're it

I got bored so I decided to do some tag and star 'stabbing' people around the blog x3...
i got this randomly from friendster bulletin board >_> ..

Copy-paste the Q's

Do not try to change the Question and please do answer all of it and then tag the next person you want SO JUST DO IT DAMMIT..:3

Name 3 things you do when you’re really stressed:

1- eat [to get rid of hungriness, hungry is stress x3]
2- sleep [to sleep is to forget]
3- game [killing people]

Where is your phone?
- in my poketto :3

Where do you sleep?
-under the roof, 3 feet above the ground :P

What was the last thing you ate?
-cendol lulz

What kind of cellphone unit do you have?
-Nokia 5300

What is the closest item near you that is white?
-my shirt lmao

What is the last movie you watched?
-Resident Evil : Degeneration

Fifteen odd facts about yourself:
1. Are you photo addict?
- sometimes..

2. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
-ehe....snoring my ass off ROFLOL

3. Do you care for your Friendster?
-not anymore, full of gedikians

4. How many different beverages have you drank since yesterday?
-if it's about alcoholic drinks, drop that sh*t... :P..
but i drank more than 5 glass of sweet orange juice yesterday :3..

5. What are three things you hate?

6. What do you wish for?
-A's for SPM+Ai+Life

7. When was the last time you got really hurt?
-today, Saturday, on noon, have a huge misunderstanding with an Arubian friend....heh...>.>

8. Any plans for tonight?
-tuition .____.

9. Something you are excited about?
-school tomorrow, seeking for a person who sent me "I LOVE YOU" message loool >___>...*sigh*

10. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
-choco choco deeesu~!

11. Describe your keychains?
-it's a bloody maroon-ish red stainless-steel teddybear with "I'm ♥ LoveHOLIC" on it ....lulz

12. Do you know anyone in prison?
-maybe :3

13. If so, who?
-Paris Hilton? laaalaaalaaa

14. Party girl/boy or Home girl/boy?
-super duper home girl

15. Name someone you miss
- my brother and sisters :3

Last Q; Name 3 to 5 lucky person you want to tag

go go go!ike ike ike! >:3

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Misfortune of the Day


haha..ha.....gila lah 6 jam tak ada elektrik, bukan kawasan aku saja, tapi sejauh 5 km dari sini bekalan elektrik terputus...lolwtf
selepas aku balik sekolah petang tadi, sempat la buka komputer, akibat keletihan melampau dan suhu yang 'dahsyat' aku terlelap di sofa, komputer masih tak tutup sebab proses meng-download terlalu banyak...

beberapa minit selepas itu semasa aku masih tertidur, aku terdengar suara kucing me-MIOW-MIOW datang ke arah aku...aku buat tak tau terus tidur..malas aku nak halau kucing tu....beberapa minit selepas itu,aku rasa makin panas..aku terfikir sejenak, kucing tadi tu warna hitam...takkan la datang nak bagi petanda buruk kot..LOL..seram

Pukul 3 petang, TEPAT-TEPAT
aku pandang siling... "eh,saper tutup kipas lak...+__+"..dalam keadaan separuh sedar, aku intai kat komputer pulak.."eh kenaper modem tak menyala..."....pastu terdengar ayah aku, "Takde api wooo~",,, I wus liek... " o_______o " ...terbeliak luas mata aku, terus lari kat luar, sebab panas lolz....nasib la kat luar tu berangin...aku sambung tidur, bukak tingkap, *shoooo~~*...
nyaman nya udara...=w=...
tapi hakikatnya aku takleh tidur jugak >.>...merenung sorang2 macam orang takde kerja..

dah 3:45ptg..
adik aku dah pulang dari sekolah...aku pun ajak la adik aku,
"JOM! main badminton! >:3..".....dah la pakai baju short-sleeves lak tu...seksi la >////< ...jk... aku pakai ala2 casual home-person je... main2 tak khabar dah 2 jam berlalu, apa lagi..masam la badan aku... xDD... at least dah lama aku tak bersenam lama camtu sekali...:3...sampai bengkak tangan aku... aku ni allergic kat matahari...nak pakai jacket, cuaca membunuh... ~_~...mujur la main kat kawasan shady...

dah 6ptg lebih.....
air takde pula !!! =___=...saper la pakai banyak sangat air ni, aku samang kang...
huhu...apa lagi..aku sambung la main badminton ngan adik aku...

pukul 7 lebih gitu..
dah masuk masa maghrib, air dah ada tapi kena pandai2 la jimat la kan...ambik air sekadar nak ambik wuduk je..tapi memandangkan badan aku terlalu KAW nye aroma...aku mandi je la..
masih blackout, mak ayah aku kata keluar bandar malam ni, jalan2 cari makan, x3...
yeye indahnya duduk dalam kereta :p...ada air-cond lolz

pukul 9:30 malam...
bila dah sampai rumah tu, waa leganya elektrik dah ada balik xDDD...
kalau camni siap la homework aku >D...
ceh tapi kalau takde elektrik sampai esok kan bagus..tak payah gi skolah......>DDD...
tapi nak wat macam mana kan, kalau panas sangat tak tau la apa jadinya...cair la ketulan2 ais dalam peti.. x3...
bateri cellphone aku dah nazak...pergi mati la ko menatang tepon...bateri pun takleh last 6jam...
kerek nye teknologi... lawl

now now...misfortune, iz misfortune indeed, i blame the black cat for meow-ing at me last time... damn you lil devil... D< ...damn you lil cute monster... Coupons
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